Knot Standard Fit App

Released at the beginning of 2021, Fit by Knot Standard is an evolution of a digital measuring system created in-house from the years prior. It utilizes A.I to take precise measurements in minutes so clients can start building custom clothing from the comfort of their home. The first official 1.0 version is currently live in the App Store today. Below is a refresh the UI system and experience to bring the same level of physical premium experience you get at Knot Standard into an app.

The Fit App was developed with the home fitting experience in mind. Clients are now able accurately measure themselves and share their profile with stylist from anywhere in the United States. Clients are also able to access any relevant promotions or Knot Standard announcements.

After signing up, users enter and answer a series of short prompts before completing a digital scan using the camera on the phone. Once complete the user is able to send the measurements directly to the stylist so they can begin building the custom garment. Finally, after the sending over measurements users can continue interacting with the stylist completely virtually or by booking an in-person visit at one of the showrooms. The app was truly meant to support the already robust custom garment system Knot Standard already had.


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